viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

Osvaldo Haver

Name: Osvaldo Haver
Date of Birth: April 4, 1982
Gender: Male
Location: Barranquitas, Puerto Rico
Nationality: citizen of the World
Language(s): English, Italian, Spanish
Working as a freelance: Muse-Assassin for Hire  

Recent graduate (B.A. Plastic Arts- Magna Cum Laude) who's just started a new "life". I got a lovely welcome into the ranks of starving monetary debts due to studies.

Working hard to acquire the means to enter into a quality MFA program...which right now means 'showbiz'. Life is ironic, but it does give you tons of things to talk and think about.

Main interests flow towards the arts: painting, drawing, music, drama, literature.

I have a weakness for asian cultures, films of all kinds, RPGs, good manga/animé, chocolate, video games and beauty in all aspects. 

I enjoy greatly sharing with my friends (those that live nearby and my online ones who are just as great).

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